Breast Lift Surgery

Breast Lift Surgery

The plastic surgeon will perform specific measurements using the notch at the apex of the patient’s sternum as a fixed reference point to determine the amount of breast tissue, amount of breast skin, laxity of skin and sagginess (or ptosis) of the breasts. The ideal candidate for breast augmentation surgery is a patient who has no ptosis or droopiness of their breasts and desires more volume or fullness of their breasts. Some patients experience deflation of their breasts following breast feeding and these can be ideal patients for breast augmentation as well. It is recommended that patients wait at least 6 months following breast feeding cessation before undergoing breast surgery. Other patients who never had adequate breast volume or have uneven breast volumes are also excellent candidates for breast augmentation surgery. It is not uncommon for a patient to think they desire a breast augmentation when, more appropriately, that patient needs a breast lift procedure. It usually takes considerable time to explain to a patient with sagging tissues how an implant may not improve the sagging and in some cases make it appear worse. The scars for a breast lift (mastopexy) surgery can be a considerable deterrent for patients who want to improve the appearance of their breasts. Discussing how a misshapen breast is not aesthetically pleasing even if there are minimal scars and the trade off of an aesthetically pleasing shape to the breast with scars is still a difficult decision for some patients.